Track CWV to Outperform Your Competition
Grabbing the easy wins is one of the best ways to beat your competition. Website load times are key to this, with fast websites attracting and selling to more users.
With PaceSetter, you can track your Core Web Vitals (CWV) metrics and identify the areas impacting load time using the same data that search engines use.
Fast Load Times Improve Conversion Rates
In a study by, websites with an aveage load performance of 2.4 seconds saw a 217% improvement in conversion rate compared to websites loading twice as slowly.
Imagine your website had 1,000 visitors a day but a slow load experience, halving your load time could generate a £142,350 increase in revenue annually.
Tracking CWV data with PaceSetter helps you identify causes of slow loading.
Monitor Google PageSpeed Insights
Google's Page Speed Insight (PSI) data is super useful to help understand which pages of your website are loading quickly and which ones could do with some improvement.
The problem is that keeping tabs on your scores can be a real pain and that's where Pacesetter from DO Digitel helps out.
PaceSetter Solves This Challenge
PaceSetter from DO Digitel provides a solution to tracking performance across many web pages by automatically tracking your PageSpeed and Core Web Vitals scores over time, allowing you to see a trend of performance data and work more closely with your development teams to improve your website load time.
We keep track of your PSI scores for you, daily, so you can see changes over time and monitor the effects of your improvements and outpace your competitors.
Outpace Your Digital Marketing Competition
Tracking your own website is just the start, PaceSetter allows you monitor your competitors websites too so you can see how your website speed stacks up against your competitors.
Get Started Today
PaceSetter is still a BETA tool which means that while you can come along and use the platform, there may be some small bugs. If you do find anything, please reach out and let us know so we can improve the platform.