Whether you're a design pro or just starting out, making sure the images you use on your website are the right size, both in terms of height, width and file size, is really important.

But why should you spend an extra minute using a free online image resizer to resize your images before uploading to your website? We've taken a look at the benefits to highlight the advantages for you.

Benefits of Resizing Images Online

Want to know some of the benefits of using a free online image resizer to make your images smaller? Here are 7 but we'd love to know if you think there are more.

1. Making Your Website Load Faster

Images which are bigger than they need to be will make your website take longer to load than your competitors and that means you're losing out.

Slower websites don't get as much traffic from search engines, they also keep visitors for less time and ultimately sell less. Selling less means your business isn't going to be as great as you want it to be.

2. Keep website visitors happy

People using the internet have very short attention spans and that means if your website images haven't been resized, you're going to keep people on your website for less time.

Why? Because it's well documented that people get annoyed with websites which load slowly. That won't just affect you now either, users may not come back either if they have a bad experience.

3. Improve your website sales

If images which have been resized using an online image or photo resizer like ours mean a fast website and a fast website means happy visitors, then sales will surely follow.

It's well noted that conversion rates correlate to load time, the faster your site, the more you sell. Simple.

4. Save Money on Hosting Your Website

The hosting that you use for your website costs money. Hosting is the storage that you have for all of the files and folders which make your website work and you pay a monthly fee.

So if you're uploading loads of really big images to your hosting, you'll pay more money to host them. Resize them now to save money.

5. Improve Your SEO

Website load time is a huge part of SEO these days and while making images smaller won't solve all your SEO challenges, it certainly is a step in the right direction.

Improving images will improve your SEO rankings and bring your website more traffic.

6. Reduce PPC Ad Spend

Google Ads makes use of something called "quality score" this is based on a range of factors including page load time. Slower load times can lead to a worse quality score and that means Google Ads may charge you more when bidding for ad space.

7. Increase Website Engagement

By making your website images smaller, you may find that website visitors stay on your website longer. This is because smaller images meet a users' needs of a fast website.

So, Should We Resize Image Online?

Yep, absolutely. It should be pretty clear that fixing your image sizes will have an impact on several areas of your website performance. What are you waiting for?

As we mention in our "3 Easy Ways to Improve Your SEO" piece, image size is one of the quickest and easiest things you can do to improve load time, ranking in SEO and sales through your website.

Profile photo of Dave Oldacre, author at DO Digitel
Written by Dave Oldacre

Owner at DO Digitel

Find out more about Dave on their profile page.

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