If you're not familiar with the term "web scraping" it can conjure up various notions. But the reality is that even for the smallest business using a website scraping technology can bring real benefits.

Improve Competitor Analysis

As a small business, keeping track of your competitors can be a real challenge. So much so, that many small business owners simply rely on a cursory check of their competitors website on an infrequent basis.

While this is great if something jumps out at you, using a web page scraper like our web page scraping tool will tell you much more than just a headline offer.

Discover Key Web Page Details

We've spoken about a range of topics at DO Digitel, some key ones being website maintenance and load time of web pages.

Using a webpage scraper like ours won't just show you what you can see on screen, but also the hidden details that you might not always see like page titles and descriptions which are shown to search engines.

But how does a web page scraper help you with website management and load time?

Well, ours tells which images exist on a page and if it's your page you're reviewing, we've even included automatic identification of images which are too big. With just a couple of clicks, you can then resize your images to improve your website load time and beat your competitors.

Saving You Time

Finding details like page titles, descriptions, headings and performing image analysis can be a real burden on your time.

Using a web page scraper means you can find these details and more almost immediately. Why not try out our web page scraping tool for yourself?

As we mentioned earlier, the advantage here is that you can improve your competitor analysis and make changes to your own approach more easily.

Increasing Your Success

While it might seem like another thing to do, if you're serious about your digital marketing then using web scrapers to check landing pages could give you key insights and ideas of how to improve what you do.

This could lead to better business outcomes and growth.

Profile photo of Dave Oldacre, author at DO Digitel
Written by Dave Oldacre

Owner at DO Digitel

Find out more about Dave on their profile page.

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